When you’ve spent your entire career as a planner and event specialist, you learn a thing or two about meetings. Monica Compton’s list of planned events stretches on for a while, from large-scale global meetings to intimate training seminars for Fortune 500 companies. Here are a few things she’s learned along the way.
If you’re using an outside production company, make sure it has worked in the city previously and understands the guidelines.
Your hotel contract should state that the agreed-upon rate is reasonable three days pre-event and three days post-event to account for the shoulder days, people arriving early and staying late.
Create your room block because you know the group better than the hotel does.
Develop conversational content for your presenters to “speak with” your attendees rather than “speaking at” your audience.
Make meeting content relevant to attendee needs by capturing question-and-answer responses at the opening general session and then expand on these solutions during the breakout sessions.
Before contracting private security for your event, investigate what the venue or overall show promoter is already providing.
If you need a certain number of attendees to achieve your revenue objective, align your marketing plan to attract this volume of participants.
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