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Two thousand eighteen event marketing trends point to video becoming this year’s content marketing juggernaut. With everyone rushing to upload their own talking heads and animated content, is there still a place where you can share your video content and get it seen in this saturated market?

It turns out there is one hidden gem, but I’m not spoiling it here. Keep on reading below to find out where you should be posting your videos next to get the traction you want.

Speaking of traction, Facebook’s revamp of their newsfeed has got many event marketers reeling (including us here). We have a plan, and it’s simple: become more engaging. That’s the bottom line for Facebook’s change, so sticking to it should ensure you’ll stay seen on the social network for a long time.

And if you need an engagement boost for your next event, check out ourĀ audience engagement webinar. It’s free and available anytime, anywhere!

Marriott Lowers Third-Party Commission Rate

Starting March 31, the Marriott group of hotels will be cutting the commission it pays to third-party planners and intermediaries to 7% from the industry-standard 10%. While they continue to recognize the importance of these partners in the business, Marriott International claims that this is an attempt to catch up to the growing costs associated with organizing events. It’s going to hurt for some of us who’ve come to rely on these commissions to either earn something extra or to stay within budget for our events. We’re #eventprofs! We can always improvise.

Three Event Trends to Boom This 2018

The events industry continues to evolve with each passing year, and this year marks the merger between event tech and more fundamental areas of the attendee experience. This 2018, events are seen better to bring out the unique personalities of the audience, featuring intersections between various passions and ensuring everyone can uniquely experience occasions. Event technology and even the choice of the venue itself will all contribute to making everything smoother and friendlier both for the event professionals and their audience.

Event Professionals Go Back to the Lab

More and more event companies are investing a bigger budget in research and development in order to use tech better in their events. The surprising thing is that most of this research is now being done in-house instead of through third parties. This setup allows the event professionals to play around with the factors themselves, therefore stumbling upon new ideas they can implement in innovative ways. And because these breakthroughs are made in-house, they could tailor-fit it to their prospective audiences. This is definitely one of the 2018 event marketing trends to watch!

Here’s How to Budget Your Events for the New Year

The budget is an integral part of event success since it’s a deciding factor that affects everything else. In fact, industry leaders have recognized this by upping the budget for this year’s events. Of course, you don’t just need a big budget; you should also know how to spend it effectively. This guide leads you through the process, from understanding what your event and company goals are to communicating with the many stakeholders of the event. It also breaks down the most important components of the event budget, along with how to innovate on each one. Need an event budget template? Download our free event budget spreadsheet here.

ROI + Fun = Better Events

Event ROI is all about goals and numbers, but that doesn’t mean it should be boring and confusing. The most important part of ROI is really about gathering feedback and data from attendees and delegates. Often, that’s also the most difficult part. What if you can make data-gathering techniques fun for everyone? By gamifying the survey experience and utilizing social media, you can do just that. This will entice more respondents to share their thoughts on the event, making number-crunching more effective. You can also gamify various aspects that would lead directly to the fulfillment of your event goals, such as giving incentives for performing a particular action. From here, you can measure your ROI more reliably, allowing you to make adjustments to your next event to make it even more of a blast.

Must-Go-To Conventions for #EventProfs This 2018

Experience is the best teacher, so why not experience some of the very best in event trends personally? This list showcases all of the events you should keep an eye on in 2018. Each event focuses on various parts of the event process, from planning to innovation. Get new ideas with a host of speakers from different specializations, and gauge for yourself how a new trend will work for your event, given your audience. Of course, this is also your opportunity to collaborate with like-minded professionals, build your network, and expand your horizons!

Start Being Productive by Optimizing Your Desk

An event professional’s desk is likely to be an assortment of plans, gadgets, samples, and all sorts of work-related stuff. And while you can’t eliminate most of these, there are still some small tweaks you can do to help you work a lot better. For one, you can always find relaxation in a simple potted plant atop your desk. Be more productive by ensuring you have a well-lit environment. You can also bring in other senses to the mix, such as touch and scent. Lastly, use something to remind you to disconnect and rest your eyes now and then.

Where Is Video Going This 2018?

Video was one of the greatest movers in 2017, and it’s no wonder its use is still on the rise this year. Just as before, video is still a reliable marketing ally for various needs. The real news is knowing which platform video is poised to make a big splash in this year. Those expecting Snapchat will be disappointed, as it appears LinkedIn is the next big thing for video marketers. While Snapchat had its time, it’s just not as effective a marketing tool as many of its peers.

The Facebook Game Is Changing, and Here’s What You Can Do

Recently, Facebook announced its attempt to make changes to its newsfeed algorithm to encourage more personal interactions among its users. This means that we’ll soon see fewer posts from businesses and public profiles. As a result, there will be a huge shift in how marketers use the platform. Since the new algorithms want to promote personal interactions, only the most engaging content will be given priority in the feed. It’s important to make your posts not only visually appealing but also bolster discussion and interaction among your audiences.

Just Get Started: How “Micro-Progress” Could Help You

With so many things to do, do you sometimes feel overwhelmed, paralyzed, and unable to accomplish anything? You’re not alone. We’re discouraged when we face tasks that take a lot of effort before we even reach the first milestone. You can fix this, though, by achieving some “micro-progress”. Just break down a huge project into its smallest elemental tasks and tackle each of them individually. With this, you’ll gain momentum and encouragement, allowing you to finish projects more efficiently.

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