Platinum Hotel and Spa
Start your Las Vegas meeting the right way with a complimentary beer and wine reception at Platinum Hotel and Spa, offered for groups booked for 50 nights or more before June 30. The offer only applies to newly booked businesses. Platinum Hotel also has a rebooking incentive that allows a planner to secure the same rate for three years if a later event is booked immediately following one that just took place. For additional information, call 702-365-5000 or visit the hotels’ website.
Marina Inn at Grande Dunes
Weekday meetings in May are only $99 per person at the Marina Inn at Grande Dunes in Myrtle Beach, S.C. Rates are based on accommodations in a grande guest room and don’t include tax or resort fees. For more information, call 843-913-9472 or visit the property’s website.
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